Diy Good Luck Charms

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Talismans are objects capable of driving away bad luck in all its forms, and of guaranteeing serenity of soul and peace for their owners. They include gems or simple stones, necklaces, coins, statues, illustrations, pendants, rings, plants, animals basically any item that sparks safety, joy, and good vibes can become a talisman. Good luck charms for money and succes Chinese Coins. I-Ching coins – have always been an effective Feng Shui remedy for luck, prosperity, wealth and protection (including health). Described as “square on the inside and round on the outside”, the central square represents the earth chi, while the circle signifies the heaven energy.

Would you like to attract wealth to yourself? Feng Shui elements can help you get the positive energy on your side that could bring you money, abundance and financial opportunities.

We present you here what lucky charms you must keep close to you in order to benefit from the positive energy flow of the Year of the Ox 2021 .

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Most lucky charms for 2021

Here is what luck charms you should wear during the Year of the Ox 2021, depending on your chinese zodiac sign:

Calculate your Western and Chinese Astrological Signs

Diy Good Luck Charms Necklace


Generally speaking, the Rat will feel comfortable in this year. All these natives need is a positive attitude towards life, but also the following lucky charms:

NameMain properties
Year of Rat Animal China Zodiac Red Bracelet Lucky Charm Bracelet those born in the year of the Rat.

Feng Shui Obsidian Five-element Wealth Porsperity Bracelet
Attract Wealth and Good Luck


In general, 2021 will mean a pretty unspectacular year with good luck at limits for the Ox . Everything should be all right for the Ox natives, less so in their financial life, where they will need plenty of luck. The two lucky charms for the Ox are:
NameMain properties
Swarovski Zodiac Figurine, Momo The Ox Lucky Charm Figurine for those born in the year of the Ox.

Brass Feng Shui Money Frog
As an auspicious symbol can avoid misfortune and attract wealth.


The Year of the Rat is going to be a generous one for the Tigers in terms of finances, but also in their love and professional life. The Tiger natives will be protected by the following lucky charms:

NameMain properties
Tiger Eye Angel Guardian Healing Carving FigurineLucky Charm Figurine for those born in the year of the Tiger.

Semi Precious Gemstone Love Heart Charm Bracelet
attract love


Rabbit years : 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

The year 2021 is going to be satisfying. The Rabbit natives will go through some thrilling moments, this is why they need to be strong. Trips are expected, including abroad. This year the Rabbits should wear:

NameMain properties
Lucky Bunny Rabbit Charm Lucky Charm Figurine for those born in the year of the Rabbit.

Furball Keychain with Rhinestone
attract good luck


For the Dragon natives, the Metal Rat Year comes with a pleasant ambiance, full of activity, especially at work. Success is present this year. In 2021, you also need to protect your health by wearing lucky charms such as:

NameMain properties
Lucky Fire Dragon Pendant Handmade Jewelry Lucky Charm pendant for those born in the year of the Dragon.

Feng Shui Wealth Prosperity Green Pi Xiu/Pi Yao Statue
can bring you fortune and prosperity


Overall, the Chinese Horoscope portends for the Snake natives a year with promising outcomes. Even though the earning can be substantial, the rash expenses must be kept under control and you should also try to save some money. The single Snake natives now have the chance to meet the love of their life, especially if they wear lucky charms:

NameMain properties
Dream Catcher Charm Starfish Dangle Charms Lucky Charm pendant for those born in the year of the Snake.

Vintage Dangle Charms Bead for European Charm Bracelet
can bring you fortune and prosperity


The year 2021 will be divided almost equally between favorable and unfavorable events.

The career sector is the one that will get the most number of negative stars and cause issues. But, where there’s no luck in money matters, luck in love appears.

In order to attract fortune in your career and to be healthy, use with confidence the following lucky charms:

NameMain properties
LuckyBuddha Charm Lucky Horse StatueLucky CharmStatue for those born in the year of the Horse.

Horseshoe Necklace Pendant Lucky Charm
This amulet is for love attraction.


The Goat natives will manifest a great sensitivity all throughout this year. Their good deeds will receive recognition more than ever.

Although this is going a rather hectic and eventful year, the Goat natives will easily gain money.

Also, this is an ideal year for travel, but not as good in terms of love, where you need more patience and diplomacy. Always carry a protection amulet or one to attract love, for example:

NameMain properties
Animal Sign for Goat for Fortune Peace Love Lucky Charm pendant for those born in the year of the Goat.

Wealth Goat Sacred Charm Thai Amulet
This amulet is for rich, luck and good business attraction.


According to the Chinese Horoscope, during this year, the Monkey natives will enjoy many rewards.

They will also get to see the day when they will know the taste of success for an important project that they will finalize. In order to have success in your career, you need to keep on your office desk :

NameMain properties
Happy Buddha Figurine - Laughing BuddhaLucky Charm Statue for those born in the year of the Monkey.

Feng Shui Lucky Bamboo and Money Frog Statue
one of the most popular feng shui cures for home or office


This year is going to be beneficial for the Rooster people. They will benefit from many opportunities, which will allow them to change the course of events in their favor.

And the Star of Love shines upon the Rooster natives in 2021. The slightly negative influences in the health sector can be diminished with the help of some lucky charms, such as:

NameMain properties
Zodiac Rooster Lucky Charm FigurineLucky Charm Figurine for those born in the year of the Rooster.

Feng Shui Natural Yellow Jade Treasure Basin
attract Health, good fortune and familial prosperity


According to the Chinese Horoscope, 2021 comes with enough opportunities for supporting your activities.

This is going to be the year when you’ll need to fight in your professional life, which can lead to some brilliant successes.

NameMain properties
White Gold Dog Bone Pendant NecklaceLucky Charm Pendant for those born in the year of the Dog.

Swarovski Zodiac Figurine - Wan Wan the Dog
good luck in career, business and wealth, a nice choice as a gift


A stable year, both in your love and financial life should be expected. This is a year when the Pig natives should outline some bold plans for next year because they will not lack inspiration in this direction.

They need to pay more attention to their lifestyle because there is a risk of gaining some weight.

NameMain properties
Feng Shui Set of Two Golden Brass Pi Yao/Pi Xiu Wealth Porsperity FigurineLucky Charm Figurine for those born in the year of the Pig.

A statue of Lord Ganesh Ganpati Elephant Hindu God
Elephant God and is considered a remover of obstacles

Decorate Your Home in 2021 with Feng Shui Good Luck Symbols

Ox Statue

In order to solve family issues or to maintain harmony, the east corner of the living room is the best spot for placing the statue.

To attract luck, place a statue in the south-east corner of your bedroom or living room.

This symbol can protect you when you have a long journey, if you place it on the dashboard of the car.

Placed on the work desk, it has a beneficial influence by relieving stress and by facilitating work efficiency.

Laughing Buddha

Laughing Buddha is known in Feng Shui as Buddha of Happiness. The legend says that nothing would make Buddha happier than to see the issues, the worries and the sadness of human beings turn into happiness.

It is said that his inner smile radiates on his entire face. He brings happiness anywhere he goes.

Laughing Buddha is a very well-known symbol of wealth, innocent joy – just one look at his joyful face can cheer you up.

It is said that by rubbing his belly, which contains a lot of wealth, you gain luck and prosperity for all the people living in the house and also wealth and happiness, and the rounder is the belly, the more auspicious is the imagine.

The Green Dragon:

It is a protective dragon that represents the masculine yang element and controls the bad energies.

There are three types of dragons: the celestial (the one with the most power), the oceanic (without a tail) and the wetland dragon.

They are the energies of the spring and they represent development, blossoming, protection, culture and wisdom. It should be located towards the East and its color should be green.

Dragons are used for the description energy drafts, since the Chinese considered that the ‘Chi’ or energy flows following a route or path called “the cosmic breath of the dragon”.

The White Tiger:

It symbolizes the soft and wavy mountain system of the West side, providing protection, strength and impetus of the yin. Is should be located towards the West and its color should be white.

It is closely related to the Green Dragon. It is the energy of the autumn, representing internal focus, producing passivity and contemplation.

Wind Chimes

Wind chimes gained popularity all over the world exactly because of the Feng Shui tradition.

If placed outside of the house, they expel the negative energy and the evil intention of people. If you live in an apartment building, you can place the wind chimes on the deck.

Aside from purifying the energy, metal chimes attract money and wealth, especially if they are placed in front of a wealth corner of your house.

Don’t forget to ring them from time to time, to activate the energy that stimulates the accumulation of money. Learning a little bit about wind chimes can help determine which type of chime is needed.

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Difference between talisman and amulets

A distinction is sometime made between amulets and talismans, Talismans are active objects – they are transformers and lightning rods whereas amulets are passive.

An amulet is basically protective and wards off bad luck, while a talisman is meant to attract favourable influences and bring good fortune.

An alternative distinction is that a talisman is specially made for a specific purpose, while an amulet is a general shield against evil.

Luckiest talismans from all over the world

A rabbit’s foot carried in the pocket is used by school children to bring success in their examinations for the rabbit has inherited in European and American folklore the magical powers that used to be attributed to the hare.

The best-known Egyptian amulet is the ‘Eye of Horus‘ of ancient Egypt, which guarded health and protected its wearer against evil spirits.

Attract Good Luck by Using the Power of Thought

One of the main ways to attract good fortune and good luck is to assume the right attitude.

Yes, there is a series of positive affirmations which, when repeated, can be used to change your luck.

You can use set phrases (for example, “I am in perfect harmony and “Enjoy your life”) or phrases created by yourself. If you are inclined towards this last option, consider some recommendations.

  • All affirmations should trigger positive feelings and determine your advancement on the chosen path.
  • When using compiled sentences you want to use the pronoun “I”, “I”, “I”. By doing so, you are associating yourself with a positive image.
  • All affirmations should refer to the present. You want to state your wish and the universe will adapt to it.
  • Do not use long statements, they should be easy to remember and repeated like a mantra when necessary.

It should be kept in mind that any formula for success should be repeated in a good mood, and you should start with a small number of phrases. Do not take time off from work, the most important thing – regularity.

Good luck in your professional life. How to obtain it?

Even regular people who do not have their own business, but go to work every day, do not diminish the magnitude of luck. Maybe that’s what allows them to improve their well-being and social status.

Therefore, we consider that the best way to attract good luck and good fortune at work is with the help of a trick. It must be said on the same day when you have something very important to do.

To do this, get up at dawn and, looking at sunrise, say the following words: “The sun, which represents the people of the heaven and light, which gives warmth to the mother-earth Dari, also give me luck.

The sun gifts the earth with life, light and heat. I grant success to be good in everything!”

For most of us with our busy lives and cosmopolitan lifestyles, an easy method to bring a touch of good luck and happiness can be in the form of carrying lucky charms or lucky amulets.

Nowadays, we see many of these little charm hangings and amulets abound in the stores and carried by many people of different ethnic origins.

Good luck charms for money and succes

Chinese Coins

I-Ching coins – have always been an effective Feng Shui remedy for luck, prosperity, wealth and protection (including health). Described as “square on the inside and round on the outside”, the central square represents the earth chi, while the circle signifies the heaven energy.

Their special shape combines the two elements that symbolize the unions of heaven with the earth, the cosmic lucky triad “Heaven-Human-Earth”. The two sides of the coins represent the yin and yang principles.

To charge the coins with energy they need to be strung on a red thread and worn on the left hand wrist to benefit from protection and to attract positive energy.

To attract luck at work and to increase your earnings, place the I-Ching coin in the south-east corner of the office, room or area where you carry out your activity (it can be hung on a wall, above a table or for an increased effect, beneath a plant), with the yang side facing up.

Crystal Pyramid

The crystal pyramid leads the energy it its perfect state, going back to the moment prior to the occurrence of evil. It purifies and fortifies the organs and also the subtle bodies.

It is a subtle soul purifier, connecting the physical dimensions with the mental ones. Spiritually, it leads the energy to the highest level.

The Red Phoenix:

The Phoenix represents the summer heat and the light of yang, is should be located to the front towards the South. It is magical and it never dies, but it is reborn from its ashes.

It symbolizes the amplitude of the horizon, giving the possibility of completion to infinity and receiving the necessary energy. It represents joy, fame, fortune, happiness and hope.

Not only are these lucky charms pretty and make a good accessory to our laptop bags, handbags or even as a body adornment, but it also adds some measure of good luck coming our way.

One of my personal favorites is the mystic knot, which I wear as a piece of real jewelry to energize my throat chakra, as I meet and talk to lots of people everyday as part of my job.

For those of you who cannot afford to wear this symbol in real jewelry, a good substitute is the Jade hangings, which I carry along on my laptop bag. Another charm that I carry with me, attached to my pant’s belt loop is the dragon carp.

Traditionally, the dragon carp is the symbol of the normal carp metamorphosing into the powerful dragon, thus lending weight to what I do or say in the course of my working day.

For those of you who were born in the year of the Dragon , A good remedy would be to carry a symbol of the Pi Yao, to avoid any bad luck coming your way as the Dragon confronts the Tai Sui and ‘Da Hao’ symbolizing financial losses this year.

Carrying a bunch of jade discs (Jinyumatang – Full of money and gold) looking like a string of money would not hurt either to bring plenty of income opportunities your way.

Those who work in the creative line, where fresh new ideas are the norm and requirement, a good pair of lucky charms would be the Dragon Tortoise and the Cicada.

The dragon tortoise will bring you plenty of support in everything that you do and say.

Having the cicada near you brings excellence in the literary field. Make sure you carry the cicada along with you at all times to bring new breath of ideas and strategies.

Chan Chu Frog for luck in money matters

The money frog (Chan Chu), also called the Lucky Frog is the divine version of the frog, because it is three-legged.

It is considered the most important symbol of prosperity, wealth and extraordinary luck in money matters in Feng Shui practice.

This legendary money frog became the divine creature that protects against trouble, illness, promising us a
This animal that carries its home on its back symbolizes in the landscape a chain of mountains that blankets us from the cold winds from the North during the winter.

Its carapace has every symbol of the universe engraved in it. It should be located in the North, its color should be black and it represents growth, longevity, protection and strength. Is it the back part of the field.

Lucky charms for Longevity and Health

Another good symbol that is popular among the Chinese in Southeast Asia is the symbol of the dumpling as it indicates that I will never go hungry or suffer from any shortage of money in my life.

Often used as a bunch of 3 dumplings, this indicates the 3 basic requirements of life, shelter, food and family.

This translates into plenty of property, money and good family life.

The Peach is known as a symbol of long life and good health. Having this symbol in my bedroom would be great, to ensure that I stay healthy and free from the flu. Well, I’m off to hang up my peach symbol, here’s hoping that I stay healthy for the rest of the year.

Amulets, or good luck charms, have been used all over the world for thousands of years by people of all faiths to help protect them from evil and bad luck and bring things like good luck, health, happiness and prosperity. And we still use them today: horseshoes are placed over doorways all over the world, motorcyclists put gremlin bells on their bikes, and in the UK, brides place silver sixpences in their left shoes as wedding good luck charms.

While some scoff at such behavior and brush it off as silly superstition, a recent study suggests that just believing in a good outcome can actually increase your chances of one. So if you want to wear your lucky shirt when playing golf, throw salt over your shoulder, wear a four-leaf clover charm, or carry a piece of jade around (a Chinese good luck charm), ignore the nay sayers and do it. It can only help.

Egyptian Amulets

In ancient Egypt, amulets were everywhere – people wore them on rings, bracelets and necklaces, carried them around, and put them in the bandages of mummies to protect the deceased in the afterlife. In the Old Kingdom (3100 – 2181 B.C.E.) many amulets were in the shape of animals. The frog symbolized fertility, the lion ferocity and power. The most well-known amulet shapes from this period however, are probably the ankh and the wedjat-eye, or the eye of Horus, which was the most powerful of all the protective symbols. During the Middle and new Kingdoms, deities and scarab amulets (which represented rebirth) were among the most popular. There aren’t many descriptions of Egyptian good luck charms; one exception is the Nefer, which was placed on the deceased in order to bring good fortune in the afterlife.

-> Egyptian amulets on Etsy

Greek Amulets

In ancient Greece, amulets were used to attract power, love, and wealth, but most commonly, they were used to cure illness and injury, often in combination with an incantation or prayer. Some amulets were inscribed with the incantation and worn as protection.

-> Greek amulets on Etsy

Roman Empire

Amulets as a cure for illness continued to be popular during the Roman Empire, especially inscribed ones. Old documents describe amulets being used for very specific ailments such as inflammation, migraines, infections, etc. Cornicello amulets, in the shape of a twisted horn (still used, and known today as Italian good luck charms), were used to protect the bearer from the evil eye. Ichthys, more commonly known as the Jesus Fish, were worn by Christians as a form of ID.

On a side note, fish amulets have been used for thousands of years by people of all faiths. The fish has been thought to symbolize prosperity, success, fertility, birth and other good things.

During the Migration Period, bracteates, thin coins with a variety of motifs, were popular in northern Europe. Images featured figures of Germanic mythology. pagan icons, and runic inscriptions, and they are believed to have been used for protection.

Medieval Europe

In medieval Europe, amulets that protected the wearer from injury in battles were popular with kings and knights. In Scandinavia, large numbers of guldgubbar (meaning “little men of gold”), hammered gold amulets, have been found in various locations. Their usage is not certain, but some suggest that they were a tribute to travelers or the dead. Pendants in the shape of Thor’s hammer “Mjölner”, the most powerful weapon in Germanic mythology, were hugely popular, and remain so to this day.

Thai Amulets

In Thailand, Buddha amulets, blessed by monks, were and are very popular. You often see people wear several at once to help with all aspects of life.

Indian Amulets

In India, amulets depicting animals are common, with the most popular being the elephant, which symbolize good luck, wisdom, success, power, loyalty, strength and stability. The laughing Buddha, is believed to bring happiness, good luck, and abundance. And then there are of course all the Hindu deities, including my favorite, Ganesh, the remover of obstacles. There are many of them, and they really deserve their own post, so stay tuned for that!

Turkish Amulets

In Turkey, nazar boncuk – amulets protecting the bearer from the evil eye – are absolutely everywhere. People wear them, put them in their cars, in babies’ clothing, build them into the foundation of homes and office buildings, hang them in doorways, put them on websites, and even in/on airplanes. If one of these amulets is found cracked, it means it has protected its bearer and has to be replaced immediately.

Japanese Amulets

Omamoris are Japanese amulets made from a piece of wood and/or paper inscribed with prayers and/or the name of a god, and wrapped in cloth (the same word is also used for charms and talismans and means protection). They provide protection from a wide range of dangers and can be bought at shrines and temples all over Japan. It is said that opening the cloth makes the amulet lose its powers, and they should be replaced once a year. Many Japanese combine a New Year’s visit to a temple/shrine with buying their new omamori for the year.

This was just a brief sampling of some of the amulets around the world. Each country, and indeed specific regions, have their own special talismans and items believed to have certain powers (don’t miss our “Charms, Amulets and Talismans in Other Languages post” if you plan to shop abroad). Regardless of whether one believes this or not, they do make pretty (and wearable) souvenirs. And if they work, all the better!

Good Luck Charms For Gambling

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Good Luck Charms For Sale

More on amulets and talismans:
St. Christopher Necklace Pendants, Charms and Bracelets
Black Cat Charms And Pendants for Good Luck and Protection
Travel Protection Charms, Pendants and Bracelets

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